Taking the time to reflect on the things and experiences I’ve loved in a year has become something of an annual tradition. It’s nice to be able to look back on what’s sparked joy in previous years (here are the lists from 2019, 2018 and 2017) and to share some goodness with all of you.… View Post

While there are certainly pros to working at home, I have really struggled with staying engaged on the endless video calls that now make up the majority of my working days. With everything being mediated by a screen I’ve missed the physical nature of workshops, research and even just being in the office. The one… View Post

Periodically I get fixated by statistics. I get obsessed with counting things, with measuring. It might be steps, it might be pages read, but it might also be my social media figures. When my online figures go through the analytical machine and get spat back out at me, I’m almost never happy. These are figures… View Post

This month I made a book full of collages. The first sketchbook I’ve finished in who knows how long.  After inktober, I was feeling nostalgic from school art lessons. I missed making to learn and having someone else set me challenges. Every term’s project at school started with an inspiration gathering exercise that always included… View Post