A Moodboard of my Current Inspiration

In the past I’ve made plenty of these inspiration gathering type posts (see here, here and here for just a few examples) because I love having this blog as a space to show off things I love. Today, I want to spotlight some of the non-illustration/art favourites which are influencing my work right now in the form of a moodboard because I’ve been enjoying seeing other people make them and I, jealous only-child that I am, wanted one of my own.


I’ve spoken at length about my new love for tarot. But it’s still a major inspiration for me. First, I love looking through how the same symbols and ideas have been reinterpreted over and over and over again in new ways. I’m still a really big fan of the “classic” tarot designs though, there’s just something about them. Second, the act of interpretation and reflection is something I want to incorporate into my own work more. It was something I was really interested in when I was more focused on “art” at school and that I’ve lost somewhere along the way. Tarot has inspired me to bring it back in a little more.



I love food. I love cooking. I love the process of cooking. For me it’s a space to play and make without worrying what something looks like, and let me tell you what it’s mighty freeing and also delicious. The sources of inspiration I normally turn to for this are the likes of Nigel Slater and Ruby Tandoh, but recently I’ve been loving Bon Appétit’s videos. Everyone there is incredibly talented and professional, and what they make looks so good, but there’s something about their style which is relaxed and feels like a real encouragement to just have fun making. In particular I’m thinking of Brad’s It’s Alive series, even though I’ve never made a pickle in my life, at least I know all about allicin now!



This might seem like an odd one. I mean we all love wearing a good jumper right, but how do you find inspiration in one? Well let me tell you, it’s all about the pattern. I create a weekly wednesday pattern over on my Instagram. These are usually repeating illustrations. But recently, I’ve been more drawing into fabric patterns and how these are methodically created. So while I’ve been snuggling up in my favourite sweaters I’ve been spending hours looking at Swedish folk knitwear. When you start searching for it, you can’t stop.



I realised recently I don’t draw backgrounds. All of my illustrations happen without context. It’s not something I’ve ever done intentionally, but it’s what I’ve ended up making. So I’ve been trying to sketch landscapes. I’ve turned to nature for references, which has inadvertently become a great source of holiday inspiration too.


Museum displays

Above my desk I have a Mariano Pascual print of one of his pieces to accompany an interview with MOMA’s curator Paola Antonelli and I love it. I was looking at it one day and it got me thinking about how museums display their pieces and in particular those cabinets of wonders you get at places like the Ashmolean, which then got me nostalgic for Oxford. But I pulled myself out of that reflection and started pulling together images of museum displays because one day I’d love to have my work shown off in something similar – perhaps a future rebrand?


If you want to keep up with what I’ve loving, I’m a bit of an obsessive Pinterest user so give me a follow and join the over 1,500 other people (how did that happen?) who like to have a nosey in my moodboards.



  1. October 19, 2018 / 8:30 am

    I loooove this! Landscapes and museum displays inspire me a lot, too! Even though I don’t draw, they help me jump into a different backdrop, create a different atmosphere in my mind. Love these inspiration gathering posts you post!

    Hannah / Words & Latte

    • Natalie
      October 22, 2018 / 11:39 am

      You’re so right, it’s nice to put yourself into a whole new environment (even if it’s just in your mind) whether you’re drawing or not!

  2. rj
    October 23, 2018 / 8:07 pm

    What do you use to make a mood board? By the way, these don’t have links

    | (see here, here and here for just a few examples)