I think we’ve all suffered from the panic of feeling like you have too many balls in the air, like everything you have to do is a tidal wave on the edge of crashing over you, like you’re waiting for the Damocles sword of overwhelm. That’s exactly where I was right before my holiday, about… View Post

This month’s roundup comes to you a little early (gasp) and so is a little shorter than normal (double gasp) because I’m going on holiday next week. But don’t worry there are still plenty of great reads in there from some of the usual places (the minds of Austin Kleon and Jocelyn K Glei to… View Post

We’re pretty much halfway through the year (say what?!) so I thought it was about time I checked in my goals for the years and gave you a bit of an update, because you, dear readers, keep me accountable all 3 of you!   What did I set out to do? Read 25 books. Take… View Post

I take a lot of notes, at work, for blog posts, when I’m working on creative projects. I’m the kind of person who thinks best when they’re writing their ideas down, with pen (or more often pencil) and paper. I quite often get asked questions about my notebook, and how I put my notes together… View Post