A quick run down of some of my favourite blogs right now. These are the things I’ve been reading which have moved me in some way, whether that’s moving me to get on with my own work or moving me to giggles.



Founded in 2013, The Private Life of a Girl is my go to blog for all things minimalism and online productivity. Sophie’s content is mirrored by a super clean and easy to read set up. A couple of years ago she founded Oh My Clumsy Heart, where she sells some beautiful simple jewellery – also comes highly recommended. Have a browse through her blog if you’re interested in slow fashion, simple living or a creative career.


When I grow up I want to be Jane. Her design work is absolutely stunning, her advice is always solid, and her holiday cheese board looks pretty dang tasty. I look to her blog for inspiration and top tips from a much wiser designer.


A lot of the blogs I read are food blogs. I love eating okay. But this is one of the few that I come back to again and again. I get so many of my recipes from Ashlae’s blog. I pretty much make her ‘Lazy Girl Peanut Butter Cookies‘ every week for an afternoon snack when I’m at work – they’re so easy and so tasty, and even kind of good for you! If you’re looking for some new healthy recipe ideas this is the place to go – they’re not all cakes, promise. 


Design Love Fest just makes me happy. It’s bright. It’s colourful. It always seems like Brit is having a great time putting all of the content together. Brit began her blog in 2009, and managed to use it as a spring board for the Designlovefest studio (branding and design) in 2011 where she’s now Art Director. As well as sharing entrepreneurial and design advice, Brit’s blog is filled with recipes, guest design works, and lifestyle based content. It’s also 100% the place to go if you’re looking for a new screensaver.


Meighan’s (no longer running) earlier blog was the first blog I ever followed. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of watching her content grow and change while her voice has remained constantly engaging. She now blogs about creative online strategy, so if you’re looking for top tips on improving your online presence, social media strategy or how to create compelling content I would highly recommend checking her out.

I’m always on the look out for new, fun or inspiring content, so what else should I be reading?